Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Open Awareness

The aim of buddhist meditation, in one form or other, is to expand the awareness by un-focussing the attention. The difficulty reside in that "attention" is a brain function that is hard to control. Attention, just like breathing or digestion can't be stopped. And it gets bored fast, it jumps from objects to objects, constantly attaching itself to everything around you, or when done with the stuff outside you, it will start daydreaming about the past, or the future...endlessly talking to itself...

STOP! BREATHE! RELAX! become aware, but don't analyse. Just sit and be aware. Let the river of conscious thoughts go by without following them. It's not hard, just keep coming back to just being aware when you catch your attention focussing on something.

The Tree: I like this analogy. Imagine a big tree with thousands of leaves flapping in the wind. Hear the sound. Now focus on one leaf. See it move. Now move your focus on the leaf next to it. Now include the first one in your attention. Are you aware of the two leaves? Keep expanding your attention one leaf at a time until all the leaves are in your awareness. Becoming the tree is to be intimately aware of every leaves, branches, trunk and roots...

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